Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Australian dollar bounce before U.S. jobs data

The Australian dollar bounce before U.S. jobs data

Yesterday after a steep drop against the dollar and Australian dollar recovered today is moving towards another weekly rise against its U.S. counterpart as likely to report employment figures and appropriate job in the world's largest consumer of energy, increased demand for commodities related to the dollar.

The Australian dollar clawed back some losses yesterday against the U.S. currency, which is still positive in the comparison of weekly versus the dollar has benefited from the presence of a strong risk appetite in the beginning of the week when concerns about the state-owned investment agency Dubai International cooled, and the UAE Central Bank affirmed that will not be back debts. On the day the decline in commodity markets yesterday, which negatively impacted on the prices of the Australian dollar, but today, employment in the United States, a report is likely to indicate an improvement in working conditions and forecasts reduced employment opportunities in the lowest level in more than a year, which indicates to end up in the direction opposite employment trends that may lead to a higher risk appetite among traders.

Australia is still very attractive and data on employment in the United States will be necessary to identify trends between these two currencies, according to most specialists. Australian dollar despite the appeal and consider the chain to raise interest rates, has its U.S. counterpart as well as become more attractive, and end the long march to the Australian dollar.

Office of the Inspector General / USD at 0.9249 in circulation as of 10:11 GMT from 0.9131 on Monday. Office of the Inspector General / trading at 81.58 yen from 79.03 at the beginning of the week.

If you want to comment on the Australian dollar and the last action, or have any questions regarding this coin, please, feel free to reply below.

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